Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers

Annuaire de la recherche en pneumologie 

Nom du LaboratoireCentre de Recherche des Cordeliers; UMRS1138 INSERM
N° d'équipeEquipe Cancer; Immune Control and Escape
Nom du directeur du laboratoirePascal FERRE
Nom du responsableIsabelle CREMER
Courriel du responsableisabelle.cremer@crc.jussieu.fr
Contacts principauxIsabelle Cremer (isabelle.cremer@crc.jussieu.fr)
Diane Damotte (diane.damotte@aphp.fr)-
Pierre-Emmanuel Joubert (pe.joubert@crc.jussieu.fr)-
Sophie Siberil (sophie.siberil@upmc.fr)
Adresse15 rue de l'ecole de medecine
Téléphone01 44 27 90 83
Site internethttp://www.crc.jussieu.fr
Mots clésNSCLC - inflammation - tumeurs multiple - reponse immnunitaire -TLR - systeme du complem - entvirus - immunotherapie
RésuméThe tumor immune environment has a strong prognostic value suggesting its role in the disease control,but is highly heterogeneous among patients. Origin of such heterogeneity is not fully understood and it has been assumed that it could be driven by diversity of carcinogen exposure (tobacco, pollution) and/or by viral or bacterial infection, to each individual immune system characteristics and to the tumor cell diversity. We concentrate our research in studying the role of the fitness of the patient and its nutritional status, and the impact of infectious microbes and microbiote, on metabolic reprogramming inflammation and on the tumor microenvironment with a particular focus on immune responses. These questions are addressed in non-small cell lung carcinoma in large annotated retrospective and prospective cohorts of patients for which ethical approbation is already obtained, and for which clinical and pathological data, infectious and nutritional status will be accessible. Several murine models of lung tumors are also developed to address mechanistic issues and include orthotopic and spontaneous adenocarcinoma models. We use wild type mice and mice deficient for receptors for sensing microbes. This work is done with several collaborations, in particular with virologists and microbiologists from INRA (Jouy en Josas). Our second goal is to identify biomarkers of immune evasion and resistance to immunotherapies in human NSCLC.,"Etude des infections virales respiratoires sur la progression tumorale et la reponse aux traitements, etude de bio marqueurs predictifs de reponse a l'immunotherapie
Axe principalMucoviscidose, BPCO et cancer

Annuaire de la recherche en pneumologie 

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