Institut pour l’avancée des biosciences

Annuaire de la recherche en pneumologie 

Nom du LaboratoireInstitut pour l'avancée des biosciences
N° d'équipe INSERM U1209
Equipe Epissage des ARN signalisation cellulaire et réponse aux thérapies
Nom du directeur du laboratoireHAINAUT Pierre
Nom du responsablePr EYMIN Béatrice
Courriel du
Contacts principauxContacts principaux : Béatrice EYMIN
Anne-Claire TOFFART
AdresseSite Santé, Allée des Alpes
VilleLa Tronche
Site internet
Mots clés Cancer du poumon-Epissage des ARN-résistance au traitement-signalisation
RésuméPre-mRNA alternative splicing controls gene expression and proteome diversity. Cancer cells often exhibit abnormal patterns of mRNA splice variants and an increasing number of studies now report deregulated expression as well as mutations of pre-mRNA splicing factors in tumors. However, the role of these alterations on tumor development and response to therapy remains largely unknown. These recent years, our team showed that deregulation of splicing factors of the SR family and alteration of specific splicing patterns contribute to lung cancer progression and resistance to chimiotherapy and targeted therapies (RTK). Our working strategies combine in vitro, in vivo and in situ studies as well as large scale transcriptomic analyses thanks to collaborative networks already established. A better understanding of the role played by SR proteins and splicing variants in response to treatment should identify new therapeutic targets and innovative strategies to overcome resistance, one of the major challenge in lung cancer therapeutics.
Axe principal interplay between SR proteins and DNA damage response, altered mRNA splicing and resistance to chemotherapy and targeted therapies in lung cancer

Annuaire de la recherche en pneumologie 

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